The Trusted Leader Blog

Welcome to the Trusted Leader Blog: a space for forward-thinking individuals to hear from industry experts on emerging issues.

We seek to empower leaders by providing insights and information that will inspire positive change within their organizations and communities. With a variety of contributors, the ideas and experiences shared make this a rich resource for creating healthy, psychologically safe, engaged and inclusive workplaces.

Image of a group of professional men and women standing in front of white board reviewing post it notes

2 min read

Overcome learned helplessness with the power of psychological safety

Learned helplessness is a painful psychosocial hazard that may not be on your radar but should be. Psychology Today says, “Learned helplessness occurs when an individual continuously faces a negative, uncontrollable situation and stops trying to...

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Picture of Jody Young, CEO of Workplace Safety & Prevention Services.

4 min read

Jody Young Wants Everyone to Feel Safe to Bring Their Whole Selves to Work

In mid-June, Jody Young took the helm as CEO of Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. Jody is the former Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of...

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Image of a female worker sitting a desk holding a phone and taking notes

4 min read

Active listening is key to keeping your employees engaged and motivated

In early June, the CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network hosted Innovative Concepts for Working Together in a Post-Pandemic World. The event...

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Group of workers sitting at a square table having a meeting with one person standing

3 min read

How to boost your ESG performance with psychological safety

I was recently asked to assist the board and leaders of an organization in understanding how they could leverage environment, social, and governance...

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Image of a woman standing in a room wearing a knee length skirt and black shoes holding a brown bag with a red heart on the lower right side

3 min read

Emotional Intelligence is Key to Effectively Leading During a Crisis

Much has been said — and will continue to be debated — about how and why Silicon Valley Bank failed in March. While financial and organizational...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Melissa Agnes

Melissa is a globally recognized expert, thought leader and visionary in the field of crisis communication and crisis leadership. She has worked with...

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Image of two co-workers sitting on stairs reviewing notes from books

2 min read

The Link Between Safety, Inclusion, Happiness And Productivity Is Real

When employees feel included, welcomed and psychologically safe, they feel happy, and when they’re happy, they’re more productive. In 2019, Oxford...

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Image of people standing in a line at designated lines

3 min read

Microaggressions in the Workplace

Unfortunately, good things don’t always come in small packages. If you’re not already familiar with the relatively recent buzzword, microaggressions,...

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Image of man sitting at table working on laptop

1 min read

Many leaders are grossly underestimating the importance of health and safety to employees

If you think applicants aren’t paying attention to your commitment to health and safety, think again. The results of the most recent Health and...

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Image of person using there hands to create a frame around the sun

3 min read

Domestic violence may be looming over your workplace. Are you ready to protect employees?

A recent article published in WSPS’ eNews highlights the importance of protecting employees from domestic violence. This pervasive threat may be...

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