Sheldon Kennedy

A group of people sitting around a table having a conversation

3 min read

How to use group discussions to facilitate workplace respect

Cultivating a respectful workplace culture requires a comprehensive approach to create lasting change. At Respect Group Inc., workplace training is just one piece of the puzzle. We also facilitate group discussions on bullying, harassment, and...

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Image of a group showing hands stacked on top of each others in the centre of circle

4 min read

How To Address The Bullying Bystander Effect At Work

As leaders, we’d like to think we left bullying behind in our childhood playground. Yet the truth is not so reassuring; a recent workplace survey...

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Image of people standing in a line at designated lines

3 min read

Microaggressions in the Workplace

Unfortunately, good things don’t always come in small packages. If you’re not already familiar with the relatively recent buzzword, microaggressions,...

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Image of a person using a laptop and phone

3 min read

The Rise of Cyberbullying in the Workplace

Most of us recognize bullying when we see it. As something we first encountered on the playground, in locker rooms, or school hallways, we often...

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