The Trusted Leader Blog

Welcome to the Trusted Leader Blog: a space for forward-thinking individuals to hear from industry experts on emerging issues.

We seek to empower leaders by providing insights and information that will inspire positive change within their organizations and communities. With a variety of contributors, the ideas and experiences shared make this a rich resource for creating healthy, psychologically safe, engaged and inclusive workplaces.

Image of a woman sitting at her desk with hand on top of head and eyes closed

4 min read

Foster growth and resilience by applying a trauma-informed approach in your workplace

Aggressive, hostile, uncivil and disrespectful behaviour is on the rise in Canadian workplaces. In a survey of 5000 Canadian workers conducted in 2022 by Western University, University of Toronto and the Canadian Labour Congress, 70% of respondents...

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Image of men and women pulling on a rope

2 min read

Build healthy conflict resolution skills in your workplace

Conflict is on the rise in our workplaces. One study found that approximately 64 percent of workers have been in a workplace with disputes between...

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Image of a Canadian flag on a pole

4 min read

Do New Canadians Feel Psychologically Safe in Your Workplace?

In 2023, over 450,000 people became new Canadians. New Canadians or newcomers are immigrants or refugees adapting to life in our country. They can be...

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Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better.

5 min read

How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace For Neurodivergent Employees

Do you know the difference between neurotypical and neurodivergent employees?

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Image of a supervisor speaking with young workers

3 min read

Does Workplace health and safety start at home? It should.

This blog is dedicated to building a culture of health and safety in the workplace. We’ve written extensively about engaging in critical...

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Image of office workers discussing and taking notes during a meeting

2 min read

Enhance Mid-Management Support For Healthy Hybrid And Remote Workplace Cultures

At the peak of the pandemic, most Canadian employees were working remotely. Four years later, we’ve seen a moderate shift back, but the numbers of...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

1 min read

Meet Michael Cooper

Michael Cooper is an experienced charity executive with over 16 years of experience in fund development, project management and government relations....

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Image of a coffee mug with a pen on table with napkin written with 80/20 principle cut out the meaningless stuff

4 min read

Unlock Employee Mental Fitness: A Guide for Leaders on the 80-20 Rule

Each of us carries an invisible backpack containing our personal adversity load, social determinants, circumstances, and physical health, which...

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Image of a group fist bump

3 min read

How To Build a Trauma-Informed Workplace Culture

Violence and harassment, including uncivil, disrespectful, and abusive conduct, are on the rise in Canadian workplaces. We don’t have to wait until...

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Image of a group showing hands stacked on top of each others in the centre of circle

4 min read

How To Address The Bullying Bystander Effect At Work

As leaders, we’d like to think we left bullying behind in our childhood playground. Yet the truth is not so reassuring; a recent workplace survey...

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