The Trusted Leader Blog

Welcome to the Trusted Leader Blog: a space for forward-thinking individuals to hear from industry experts on emerging issues.

We seek to empower leaders by providing insights and information that will inspire positive change within their organizations and communities. With a variety of contributors, the ideas and experiences shared make this a rich resource for creating healthy, psychologically safe, engaged and inclusive workplaces.

Image of warehouse workers standing in line wearing hardhats and covid masks

4 min read

Long Haul COVID

Are you supporting employees suffering with long COVID? Imagine feeling the way you do about all we've been through these last three years and at the same time feeling unwell – experiencing a litany of symptoms, sometimes acutely, including sleep...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Sheldon Kennedy

Ex-NHL player and co-founder of Respect Group, Sheldon Kennedy, has made it his mission for the past 25+ years to learn, understand, and further help...

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Image of a person using a laptop and phone

3 min read

The Rise of Cyberbullying in the Workplace

Most of us recognize bullying when we see it. As something we first encountered on the playground, in locker rooms, or school hallways, we often...

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Group sitting in boardroom surrounded by glass walls having a meeting

3 min read

Finding Future Leaders

If you build a culture of health and safety, they will come Are you losing highly skilled leaders and having difficulty finding candidates to fill...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Dr. Jeff Linkenbach

As the Director & Research Scientist at The Montana Institute, Dr. Jeff Linkenbach has developed national award-winning programs that change...

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Hands cupped together holding a blue holographic image of a brain

3 min read

The Transformative Power of Hope

As leaders, we have the opportunity and the obligation to energize our teams, foster hope, and identify and grow the positive. Particularly now, when...

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Image of workers standing in a line a warehouse

3 min read

Keeping Temporary Employees Safe

One of the greatest gifts you can give is psychological safety and well-being for all employees. If you’re in service, hospitality or any other...

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Image of hands cupped together holding a blue and white ball with learn and lead written on ball in white

3 min read

Listen First Resist The Urge To Defend

If you asked leaders, “Do you want to create a workplace where employees feel safe to share their opinions, feedback, and concerns?” most would...

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Image of male sitting at desk in front of laptop with eyes closed, hands rubbing each side of temple on head.

3 min read

What You Can Learn from The Quiet Quitting Phenomenon

Quiet quitting has gone viral on social media. Employees are letting the world know that they are setting boundaries; they are only going to do what...

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Image showing a business man hands resting on desk in upwards position in a mediation pose surrounded by paper and pen

3 min read

Are You Committed to Psychological Safety?

Mental health is not a new issue. Before COVID, one in five workers reported to work every day with a mental health concern, and WHO had identified...

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