Meet Sheldon Kennedy

Meet Sheldon Kennedy

Ex-NHL player and co-founder of Respect Group, Sheldon Kennedy, has made it his mission for the past 25+ years to learn, understand, and further help others to prevent bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination. Respect in the Workplace - Respect Group Inc. | Harassment + Abuse Online Prevention Training

Catch up on Sheldon's Trusted Leader Blog posts here.

Understanding and Addressing Trauma and Stress in the Workplace

Understanding and Addressing Trauma and Stress in the Workplace

While programs like Bell’s Let’s Talk campaign have helped reduce the stigma around mental health, several indicators show that Canadians still have...

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Manage conflict skillfully to promote learning and resolve hurt feelings

1 min read

Manage conflict skillfully to promote learning and resolve hurt feelings

It’s natural for employees to have disagreements. However, negative emotions can fester if these situations are not managed properly. The individuals...

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8 Ways You Can Help Prevent Burnout Among Your Employees

8 Ways You Can Help Prevent Burnout Among Your Employees

When biology upsets the nervous system, and a worker gets caught in a cycle of mental exhaustion and unpleasant emotions (stress, fear of failure,...

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