
Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Melissa Agnes

Melissa is a globally recognized expert, thought leader and visionary in the field of crisis communication and crisis leadership. She has worked with NATO, the Pentagon (DoD), Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, financial firms, technology...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Sheldon Kennedy

Ex-NHL player and co-founder of Respect Group, Sheldon Kennedy, has made it his mission for the past 25+ years to learn, understand, and further help...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Dr. Jeff Linkenbach

As the Director & Research Scientist at The Montana Institute, Dr. Jeff Linkenbach has developed national award-winning programs that change...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Michel Rodrigue

Michel Rodrigue joined the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) in 2015, bringing a wealth of management experience and a unique mix of...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Milena Braticevic

Milena holds a PhD in Integral Health from the California Institute for Human Science. She currently teaches her programs Building Mental Resilience...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Andrew Harkness

Andrew Harkness is the Strategy Advisor-Organizational Health Initiatives at the Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) of Ontario. He has...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Fresh Communications

Fresh Communications is an independent consulting firm with over 20 years of experience working with thought leaders and influencers who are...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Dr. Bill Howatt

Dr. Bill Howatt is founder of Howatt HR Consulting. He has published numerous books and articles, such as Stop Hiding and Start Living, The Coping...

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Image of individuals helping each other climb up a mountain during a sunrise.

Meet Louise Bradley

Louise Bradley has dedicated her career to reducing stigma in mental health, building suicide prevention programs, improving workplace culture, and...

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Hand clasping in comfort.

Trusted Leader Blog Disclaimer

Disclaimer Please be advised that this blog is not intended to provide information about COVID-19. For updates on the virus and safety protocols, we...

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