Dr. Bill Howatt and Michel Rodrigue

Discover Trusted Leader blog posts contributed by Dr. Bill Howatt and Michel Rodrigue below.

group of smiling happy construction workers gathered in a circle in warehouse with hands in air

3 min read

Employees are Looking for Employers They Can Trust to Look After Their Safety and Well-Being

The pandemic has tested many relationships, including that of employers and employees. While we may not be experiencing “The Great Resignation” to the same extent as our neighbours to the south, it could just be a matter of time.

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Image of a person wearing a grey jacket sitting on bench among trees during a winter storm

3 min read

Seasonal Depression Isn’t a Myth, and Leaders Should Be Equipped to Address It

Some people thrive in the winter. Whether they are enjoying time outside in the snow or cozying up in front of the fireplace with a good book, winter...

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Image of a man standing in a dark room looking out a wooden door at road with grass on each side and lue sky with white clouds

4 min read

Leaders Have An Important a Role to Play in Preventing Suicide, But First We Must be Willing to Talk About It

There was a time in the not-too-distant past when leaders and employees alike were expected to ‘leave personal business at home’ and ‘keep work about...

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Image of a warehouse employee sitting down yawning while on the job

5 min read

Are You Thinking Broadly Enough When it Comes to Protecting Employees From Workplace Impairment?

When you hear the phrase workplace impairment, what comes to mind? If you are like most people, you likely think about substance use, such as alcohol...

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3 min read

It pays to invest in employee wellbeing. Flourishing employees are good for the bottom line.

Imagine approaching a salesperson for assistance with buying a computer, only to be handed a flyer and left to your own devices. You’d likely go...

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Hand writing happy face and sad face math equation on a chalkboard.

3 min read

If you’re not investing in workplace mental health you are putting people at risk and leaving money on the table

The workplace is not immune to the lasting impacts of the pandemic on employee’s mental health. With the fourth wave of the pandemic underway...

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9 min read

Psychological safety at work: Critical, important, or nice to have? Where do you stand?

This is the first of a new series of posts that will be featured on the CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network Psychological Safety blog. Michel...

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