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Please be advised that this blog is not intended to provide information about COVID-19. For updates on the virus and safety protocols, we encourage you to visit the following sites:

Psychological Safety, Social Connections and Self-Advocacy

4 min read

Psychological Safety, Social Connections and Self-Advocacy

Only 23% of Canadian workers would feel comfortable talking to their employer about a psychological health issue. [1] The average employee spends...

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The 2022 Health and Safety Leadership Survey

5 min read

The 2022 Health and Safety Leadership Survey

Want to win in the battle for talent? Make sure you have a culture of health and safety Workplace Safety & Prevention Services just released its...

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Report on Loneliness, Isolation and Resilience

3 min read

Report on Loneliness, Isolation and Resilience

Help employees stay socially connected in the workplace Before COVID, we were already starting to experience a global loneliness epidemic. Over the...

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